These are the replies to each of the questions which were on our feedback form which was presented to the class during our presentation, we gained a lot of excellent feedback from this exercise and we will incorporate some of these ideas into our production.
What were the strengths of the ideas about our production? What did you find most enjoyable and why?
What were the strengths of the ideas about our production? What did you find most enjoyable and why?
- Great message, speaks against alcoholism and drug abuse. Feel it is a good storyline to watch.
- I feel that the video represents a very common problem in todays society and this allows the audience to relate to it.
- I believe that the concept is strong and relevant to the mood and feeling of the song. I really enjoyed the memories of the man's family with the instrumental.
- Great camera shots (close up of hand throwing clothes out of the window) Emotional story, I enjoyed the flashbacks
- Emotionally powerful story as it tackles drug and alcohol issues, powerful imagery.
- I feel that the idea is very good, it is especially relevant to life today in Northern Ireland.
- Very good concept, good storyboard and dealt with the challenging subject well.
- Storyboard well drawn
- Very relevant and topical, appeals to and resonates with lots of people, shows depression and hopelessness
- Good idea, appropriate theme, good demographic
Which parts of our idea did you find least enjoyable? why?
- No miming.
- Depressing theme towards the beginning but soon becomes more feel-good, so this matters little.
- None, i enjoyed it all and found it very engaging.
- I didn't particularly enjoy the constant viewing of pictures as it is a little generic for my liking.
- All enjoyable.
- Not a lot, I thought it was all very well put together with a great idea.
- Felt it was quite long.
- May start off slow but the pace should change as the man gets angry.
What do you think was the message being portrayed within our video?
- Dependance and anger, all things caused by addiction
- Alcohol abuse, loneliness, addiction and loss
- How alcoholism destroys families and how rehabilitation is necessary to combat drug use
- That the love of a persons family is strong enough to overcome addiction
- I think we can all empathise with struggling and going through desperate times that there is always hope which we can live on
- How alcohol can ruin peoples lives, regret and overcoming problems
- Effects of alcoholism, especially on a family regret and loss
- Redemption and overcoming demons
- It is very relevant to todays society with the drinking and drug taking.
- The separation of a family due to drug abuse, problems they face, relevant to fixing a drug problem.
Do you think any changes could be made to the video to make it more engaging for the viewer?
- No it is good
- Miming would give a more personal feel to the video
- Nothing i can think of, fool-proof plot, the idea of the flashbacks are brilliant in particular
- I feel that this video could be amazing if you do it the way it was presented
- I think there is less emphasis on the hurt of the family. The clothes are thrown out but I think it would be worth contrasting the hurt of both the man and woman
- No, it was very engaging
- I can't think of anything
- I feel that if the video sticks to the animatic and you can manage to portray the effect alcoholism and drug abuse can have on families within your video it will be brilliant
- The animatic and storyboard are very strong and fixed
- Should be made more obvious that he was thrown out for drink and drugs.
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