Tuesday, 4 October 2011

How is a strong brand created?

Firstly it is important to establish a brand image with your potential consumers, as this will be their perception of your brand. 

Then you will think about increasing your brand awareness, as this is how people will recognise that the brands yours and can identify it under different conditions. Brand awareness consists of both brand recognition, which is the ability of consumers to confirm that they have previously been exposed to your brand, and brand recall, which reflects the ability of consumers to name your brand when given the product category, category need, or some other similar cue.

I believe strongly that public relations is the way a strong brand is truly established and advertising is how the brand is maintained e.g. a band could hand out flyers and put posters up around the city to make people aware of your band, they could also have a PR team to hand out tickets to their gigs. If a brand is successful in making a connection with people and communicating its distinct advantage, people will want to tell others about it and word-of-mouth advertising will develop naturally, which could lead to your band getting published in the local magazine or newspaper or various other mediums, this will help massively with the recognition of your brand. Once that type of differentiation is established in the markets mind, advertising can help maintain and shape the brand, for example regular updates on radio stations or music websites. Branding is all about creating singular distinction, strategic awareness, and differentiation in the mind of the target market--not just awareness. When you have been successful, you will start building equity for your brand.

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